From President Cyril Ramaposa, on local manufacturing during latest Parliament/Nedlec address:
This programme will be inclusive as it will focus on local employment and will seek to overcome patterns of economic marginalisation as it transforms the structure of the economy. The programme will be inclusive as it will recognise the role that SMMEs and co-operatives can play in creating work, particularly for youth and those who are entering into the labour market for the first time across all economic sectors. To achieve significant job creation multipliers, the emphasis will be on localisation, including maximising the use of South African materials and construction companies as well as labour-intensive methods.
Therefore, the country encourages all South African businesses to take up the government’s call to support local manufacturing and service industries as part of the economic recovery plan as the pandemic progresses and restrictions lessen.
“This is crucial in driving growth to reduce unemployment and it will ensure that the value flows within the local economy, without leaving the country,”
Our roots and heritage at 5 W Mask are embedded in South Africa, our responsibility is to engage proactively with the businesses in the communities in which we live and work. South African has an imperative to overcome the legacies of apartheid and to forge an inclusive and more equitable society with opportunities to prosper for all. The democratic government initiatives laws/policies towards this and enjoining society to commit shared goals. Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Act 53 of 2003, facilitates the participation of Historical Disadvantage Individuals in the economy and transforms it to benefit SA, it encourages growth.
This is why we as a Black owned OE Manufacturer is committed Black Empowerment, Job Creation and Economic Emancipation.